Friday 12 March 2010

Week Two Of Filming

Here is an image which shows Mine, Caris's and the actors timetable which shows when they are free and when they have lessons.

It shows that some of the characters do not have any free periods at the same time which has caused many problems as we need them to be filmed together. In our second week of filming we were able to capture quite alot of footage with a variety of shots. Whilst filming a scene in The Harvey Centre we encountered a couple of problems, we had to deal with passers by who kept walking into the shot, we had to ask for premission from secruity to film and also the noise of the shoppers caused us to redo some of the shots. This scene created the right atmosphere of the girls shopping.
When filming the next scenes we were able to experiement more because we were outside, with the camera angles. For example we used panning shots which when we were editing we sped up to create a quicker conversation scene. Also when editing we realised that some of the clips which we had film had slightly better audio quailty and some had better visual footage so we had to extract the audio from one and moved it onto the other. We found filming and editing this week quite hard because of the troubles with the complicated timetable although we did capture alot of footage which gives us various shots to edit for a trailer.

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