Wednesday 31 March 2010

Week Five Of Filming

As we needed one more scene to film we had to use one night after sixthform in our editing week to capture one last shot at Caris's house. This scene consists of Jez who plays Jared and the help of a girl a sixthform Antonia. In this scene we tried to create a romantic dinner scene which shows Jez getting the date completey wrong. With one part of the scene Jez pours a glass of wine for Antonia and he knocks it over. We let him practice the shot a number of times as we only had a little bit of film left on the tape me only had one shot to take it in. So when the camera was rolling Jez pours the glass of wine, knocks it over and then it falls on the floor and smashes. We hadnt planned for this to happen but it gave us some great footage to work with. I also got injured when picking up the pieces of glass and cut my thumb. All in all this evening of filming came out quiet productively.

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