Friday 5 March 2010

Week One Of Filming

After the week after half term me and Caris decided that we need to start filming our scenes for our film as we had completed the script and had a genral idea of how we wanted to set each scene out and how we wanted our film trailer to look. We then found the members who wanted to be in our film so we tested them with the script to see if they were right for the part. Once we had found some of the actors we were able to film a couple of scenes in our sixthform as it created the right mise en scene for an office. we were also able to film a scene with 'Mandy' and 'Todd' by the pond, played by Sarah and Eddie. We came across a couple of problems, as we were shooting a scene by the pond the ducks and geese were causing some distrubance but we were able to get the filming we needed done. So the scenes were you could hear them we would use as ourtakes for our film of our blog. All in all we found that our first week of filming was quite successful and we were looking forward to filming the rest in the following weeks to come.

Here is an image of me videoing one of the scenes of 'Jared' play by Jez Rooker .

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