Friday 19 March 2010

Week Three Of Filming

With our third week of filming a couple of our actors had an important Drama exam which meant that to film some of the scenes with these actors we only had a short amount of time which we managed to film alot within two hours on one of the mornings. We were able to do this by letting our cast know in advance who we needed to film and when we wanted to do this. By having the actors numbers and facebook accounts we were able to contract them quickly and easily.
For the scene where 'Eddie' asks 'Mandy' out for dinner we able able to film this in the schools local newsagents which we had kindly and previously asked the shopkeeper for permission to film there and use some of their props. He said that we were able to film there as long as we did not cause any disturbance to any of the customers or damage anything.

Further on in the week we filmed a scene on the school's field but the camera picked up the noise of the wind because the day inwhich we chose to film was quite windy which caused a disadvantage but we were able to work around this by using objects such as an umbrella to block the wind. We also had to do some more extracting of audio to create the best looking shot for the scene with Jennifer and Gretchens phonecall which were in seperate locations. To create this we had to do alot of editing to create a witty conversation which makes it look more effective with the many cuts.

For our next set of scenes we made sure that nobody was around in the corridors of our sixthform block to disturb our filming by getting in the way of the shot. We were able to get some great footage and even some for our 'making of' film where one of the teachers came out and wondered what all the noise was.

Although this was quite a hectic week, i feel in the end it went smoothly and we got alot done.

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