Wednesday 24 March 2010

Week Four Of Filming

This week would be our last week of filiming. This is due to that a few of out actors were going to New York for a school trip so we knew we had to get there filming done as they wouldnt be around in the following week and the final deadline is fast aproaching.

The scenes which we filmed this week were mainly scenes with Kerstin who plays Gretchen (who is one of the actors who is going away) and Micheal who plays Dan. Although these two actors weren't available for filming at the same time we had to film their parts seperatley. In this scene Gretchen and Dan are just returning from their date. To make sure the scene looked like it was filmed in one go we had to get someone to read out the other persons lines so that they knew what to react to. As we didn't have Michael in this scene we had to get Ryan (another boy) to walk in the scene with kerstin. We started off using a low angle shot panning upwards until we got to their waists as we were not able to show Ryans face.

Caris took a camera and tri pod home on one of the nights to film a scene in her bedroom with her little sister. She was able to film this scene a number of times to try and get some different camera angles and shots. This was done so that when editing we could show the different facial expressions to different parts of the dialogue.

With another scene that we filmed this week was in the conference room in our sixthform. We were lucky to find this room as it was a simple setting. We were trying to create a basic home scene so this from was ideal. In the background of one of the shots the was a plug socket so we tried to hide this buy putting a plant on the table. This helped with the Mise En Scene as it gave a home like feel to it. Once we filmed this shot we filmed an over the shoulder shot. This was only to capture a clear and quality piece of audio dialogue as it was going to be used as a voice over.

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