Wednesday 31 March 2010

Week Five Of Filming

As we needed one more scene to film we had to use one night after sixthform in our editing week to capture one last shot at Caris's house. This scene consists of Jez who plays Jared and the help of a girl a sixthform Antonia. In this scene we tried to create a romantic dinner scene which shows Jez getting the date completey wrong. With one part of the scene Jez pours a glass of wine for Antonia and he knocks it over. We let him practice the shot a number of times as we only had a little bit of film left on the tape me only had one shot to take it in. So when the camera was rolling Jez pours the glass of wine, knocks it over and then it falls on the floor and smashes. We hadnt planned for this to happen but it gave us some great footage to work with. I also got injured when picking up the pieces of glass and cut my thumb. All in all this evening of filming came out quiet productively.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Week Four Of Filming

This week would be our last week of filiming. This is due to that a few of out actors were going to New York for a school trip so we knew we had to get there filming done as they wouldnt be around in the following week and the final deadline is fast aproaching.

The scenes which we filmed this week were mainly scenes with Kerstin who plays Gretchen (who is one of the actors who is going away) and Micheal who plays Dan. Although these two actors weren't available for filming at the same time we had to film their parts seperatley. In this scene Gretchen and Dan are just returning from their date. To make sure the scene looked like it was filmed in one go we had to get someone to read out the other persons lines so that they knew what to react to. As we didn't have Michael in this scene we had to get Ryan (another boy) to walk in the scene with kerstin. We started off using a low angle shot panning upwards until we got to their waists as we were not able to show Ryans face.

Caris took a camera and tri pod home on one of the nights to film a scene in her bedroom with her little sister. She was able to film this scene a number of times to try and get some different camera angles and shots. This was done so that when editing we could show the different facial expressions to different parts of the dialogue.

With another scene that we filmed this week was in the conference room in our sixthform. We were lucky to find this room as it was a simple setting. We were trying to create a basic home scene so this from was ideal. In the background of one of the shots the was a plug socket so we tried to hide this buy putting a plant on the table. This helped with the Mise En Scene as it gave a home like feel to it. Once we filmed this shot we filmed an over the shoulder shot. This was only to capture a clear and quality piece of audio dialogue as it was going to be used as a voice over.

Friday 19 March 2010

Week Three Of Filming

With our third week of filming a couple of our actors had an important Drama exam which meant that to film some of the scenes with these actors we only had a short amount of time which we managed to film alot within two hours on one of the mornings. We were able to do this by letting our cast know in advance who we needed to film and when we wanted to do this. By having the actors numbers and facebook accounts we were able to contract them quickly and easily.
For the scene where 'Eddie' asks 'Mandy' out for dinner we able able to film this in the schools local newsagents which we had kindly and previously asked the shopkeeper for permission to film there and use some of their props. He said that we were able to film there as long as we did not cause any disturbance to any of the customers or damage anything.

Further on in the week we filmed a scene on the school's field but the camera picked up the noise of the wind because the day inwhich we chose to film was quite windy which caused a disadvantage but we were able to work around this by using objects such as an umbrella to block the wind. We also had to do some more extracting of audio to create the best looking shot for the scene with Jennifer and Gretchens phonecall which were in seperate locations. To create this we had to do alot of editing to create a witty conversation which makes it look more effective with the many cuts.

For our next set of scenes we made sure that nobody was around in the corridors of our sixthform block to disturb our filming by getting in the way of the shot. We were able to get some great footage and even some for our 'making of' film where one of the teachers came out and wondered what all the noise was.

Although this was quite a hectic week, i feel in the end it went smoothly and we got alot done.

Friday 12 March 2010

Week Two Of Filming

Here is an image which shows Mine, Caris's and the actors timetable which shows when they are free and when they have lessons.

It shows that some of the characters do not have any free periods at the same time which has caused many problems as we need them to be filmed together. In our second week of filming we were able to capture quite alot of footage with a variety of shots. Whilst filming a scene in The Harvey Centre we encountered a couple of problems, we had to deal with passers by who kept walking into the shot, we had to ask for premission from secruity to film and also the noise of the shoppers caused us to redo some of the shots. This scene created the right atmosphere of the girls shopping.
When filming the next scenes we were able to experiement more because we were outside, with the camera angles. For example we used panning shots which when we were editing we sped up to create a quicker conversation scene. Also when editing we realised that some of the clips which we had film had slightly better audio quailty and some had better visual footage so we had to extract the audio from one and moved it onto the other. We found filming and editing this week quite hard because of the troubles with the complicated timetable although we did capture alot of footage which gives us various shots to edit for a trailer.

Friday 5 March 2010

Week One Of Filming

After the week after half term me and Caris decided that we need to start filming our scenes for our film as we had completed the script and had a genral idea of how we wanted to set each scene out and how we wanted our film trailer to look. We then found the members who wanted to be in our film so we tested them with the script to see if they were right for the part. Once we had found some of the actors we were able to film a couple of scenes in our sixthform as it created the right mise en scene for an office. we were also able to film a scene with 'Mandy' and 'Todd' by the pond, played by Sarah and Eddie. We came across a couple of problems, as we were shooting a scene by the pond the ducks and geese were causing some distrubance but we were able to get the filming we needed done. So the scenes were you could hear them we would use as ourtakes for our film of our blog. All in all we found that our first week of filming was quite successful and we were looking forward to filming the rest in the following weeks to come.

Here is an image of me videoing one of the scenes of 'Jared' play by Jez Rooker .

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Contracting music artists

For our Film trailer we need to contact artists to ask if we are able to use their music at a later stage in creating our trailer. We are hoping we will get a quick reply.

Here we went on Arctic Monkeys offical website, also contacted them through Twitter. We used both of these websites to vary the chances of them replying. I left my email address on their contact page so we are now waiting for a reply.

We also contacted Ke$ha and Chairlift both through twitter again and Ke$ha's offiical website, and we are still waiting for approval from these artists.