Tuesday 27 April 2010

Film Poster

This image is of my final product of my Film Poster.

Here is a basic image of what I wanted my film poster to look like. The quality of the image hasnt come out as well as i'd have hoped for when scanning.
When creating my film poster I wasn't able to use Adobe photoshop to create the poster I wanted to so I just simple used a software on my computer called Paint. When designing my poster I wanted to stick to the colour theme of Royal Blue which is what was used in the film trailer. This colour is bold and really stands out so that it will catch the eye of passers by. I wanted to create a poster with lots of different images on to show the characters in different frames lights.

I was able to obtain these photographs from stills I had taken during the weeks of filming. Once i had collected all my images I started placing them onto the poster. I started off with the title and when it was going to be released first, by putting the lettering over some of the images. I felt that this gave a right effect i wanted to create but I didn't want the title to become unclear so i only stuck to using the word LOVE over the images. I also added a small heart after the wording to give the poster a softer feel to it. After I done this I was able to focus on trimming the images and making them down to the right sizing so that they would all fit onto the poster. Once I had placed all the images onto the poster background I started to move them around until i felt they looked right and so that they fitted round the title. I chose to place the title just off centre to the right because I thought that if i had postioned it in the centre it would have made it looked over crowded with the images.

I then added all the information onto the poster such as quotes of the reviews from Magazines and Celebrities which was in a large font, the 12 viewing rating which I collected from Google Images and last the information about the production company, Skyline Productions which was in a smaller font in white against the royal blue background, the directors, the website in very small writting and the main cast over two lines and the supporting cast members underneath the main cast.

I personally feel that this poster would work really well as it looks realistic and althentic. Here are some personal feedback comments I recieved after posting it onto facebook.

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