Tuesday 27 April 2010

Film Magazine

This image shows my final product for my Film Magazine Front Cover which I called TheZone!.

Here is an image I drew out of what I wanted my magazine to look like. The quality of the image hasn't come out as clear as i'd have hoped of when scanning.
I first of all decided that i was going to call my film magazine after the same name of my magazine for my AS courseowkr last year which is TheZone! Although last years magazine was a music one, this year I have created a film magazine cover. I took my photogrpahic one lunch time in the drama studio in sixthform when I knew that everyone was free at the same time. I gave them time to grab some lunch, then we all met in the studio where i was able to set up my photograph. I planned my main magazine image before taking it so I knew when setting up exactly how I wanted it all to look. I placed my main to characters at the front Noah and Jennifer, then a step behind and a step to the left Dan, and to the right Gretchen and so on with the rest of the boys on the left, Jared and Todd and the rest of the girls on the right, Anna and Mandy. I also told the members of the trailer to stand like their character so I got them to Pose in different posistions such as Gretchen looking all lovingly at Dan and Anna behind her, looking in disgust. Jez looking all down and mopey, Todd looking all thoughtful, Dan standing stricking the pose, Noah and Jennifer linking arms all loved up, and Mandy holding her pregnant belly. Once
I had taken my photographics and uploaded them I added my chosen photo to my magazine background.

I then added some information such as the price and barcode in the top right hand corner, the magazine title and month it would be released in the left hand corner. These were two important elements which I had to include as it gave vital information to the buyers. In the bottom right hand corner I added some smaller images of other films and across the bottom I also added some smallinformation about what features inside the magazine. The writting ontop of the image is in White and the title is in Blue. The writting that features on the white background is in black.

I also added the title of the film under the title of the magazine but over the top of the image. This makes the title of the film stand out and it also highlights the image which shows all the main characters in the film. By using this image it shows what features inside the magazine.

I obtained construtive some feedback via Facebook. One comment i recieved which is shown below.

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