Thursday 21 January 2010

Introduction of essay

Collective identity suggests that the population is influenced by different categories that are portrayed in various ways by different elements of the media, television, film, internet, magazines and newspapers, such as 'The Sun' that stereotypes people. Stereotyping is a way in which individuals are judged by the way they look, the way they dress or speak, the music they listen to and even where they are from. All these different media sources have drawn in the peoples attention and gives them a sense that they need to belong to a certain type of group. This now shows that society believes that media influences it's audience more so now by the increase of British TV dramas and British films. For example alot of British TV dramas and films now perceive 'Youth' in a different way in which they use to. Is this because the youth of today have changed and the media has picked up on this and stereotype them?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Danielle. This may have the germs of undestanding in it but it is quite confusing.
    You do need to plan your answers and think very carefully about what you are trying to explain.
