Sunday 21 February 2010


The scripting of our film trailer plays a huge part in our production. Although we have predicted it to run for roughly 2/2.5 minutes long we need to fully script all the scenes in which we are filiming for the dialogue to flow properly as we will be cutting the scenes down to fit the predicted time.

Once we had decided on a genre we were able to created a series of six story board sheets which we kept refering back to when creating the script for our film trailer.

To make the scripting fair we split the storyboards by having three each and we both wrote out the rough scripting of our own storyboards.

We then went threw and wrote up a detailed version of the script and decided what lines and scenes we wanted to changed and cut out. We also added in a couple more scenes which we thought might work well. Once we had done this Caris typed up the script onto computer and printed a copy off each for me and her and a copy each for the cast members involved.

This is the final image of our script.